
Requarks is easy to install. You should be up and running in no time by following the instructions below.

1. Prerequisites

Make sure you meet all the prerequisites before proceeding any further.

2. Get Requarks

  • Download the latest version of Requarks from the downloads page or from the GitHub project releases.
  • Extract the archive to the folder of your choice. The server will run from this path.

3. Setup Requarks

Make sure Node has the necessary permissions to read / write in Requarks folder.

From a command prompt / console, start the server:

# Run the following command to start Requarks:

node server

# You can also specify a specific port:

node server --port 8080

Requarks will automatically start in setup mode if no configuration is detected.

In your browser, navigate to http://localhost/ or the host where the server is located. Requarks listens by default on port 80. You can force it to listen to another port by using the --port argument as shown in the example above.

You will be presented with a setup page. Fill in the form and click Save & Install to complete the installation. Detailed instructions for each section of the setup page can be found below:

4. Run Requarks

Once the installation is completed, the node process will reload automatically.

If everything is properly configured, Requarks should be working now. 😆

Command arguments

You can use the following command arguments when running the server:

node server [options]

	-h, --help			Output usage information
  -p, --port <n>	Port Requarks run on
  -s, --setup			Forces Requarks to run in setup mode